
added in 0.4.0

(alias analytics previous-id user-id)(alias analytics previous-id user-id options)
`alias` is how you associate one identity with another.
This is an advanced method, but it is required to manage
user identities successfully in some of our integrations.


added in 0.4.0

(enqueue analytics message-builder)
Top-level `enqueue` function to allow for extensibility in the future.


added in 0.4.0

(flush analytics)
Flush events in the message queue.


added in 0.4.0

(group analytics user-id group-id)(group analytics user-id group-id traits)(group analytics user-id group-id traits options)
`group` lets you associate an identified user with
a group. A group could be a company, organization, account,
project or team! It also lets you record custom traits
about the group, like industry or number of employees.


added in 0.4.0

(identify analytics user-id)(identify analytics user-id traits)(identify analytics user-id traits options)
`identify` lets you tie a user to their actions and
record traits about them. It includes a unique User ID
and any optional traits you know about them.


added in 0.4.0

(initialize write-key)(initialize write-key {:keys [client log endpoint user-agent network-executor callback]})
Start building an Analytics instance.


added in 0.5.0

(page analytics user-id name)(page analytics user-id name properties)(page analytics user-id name properties options)
The `page` method lets you record whenever a user
sees a page of your website, along with optional
extra information about the page being viewed.


added in 0.4.0

(screen analytics user-id name)(screen analytics user-id name properties)(screen analytics user-id name properties options)
The `screen` method lets you you record whenever a user
sees a screen of your mobile app, along with optional
extra information about the screen being viewed.


added in 0.4.0

(shutdown analytics)
Stops this instance from processing further requests.


added in 0.4.0

(track analytics user-id event)(track analytics user-id event properties)(track analytics user-id event properties options)
`track` lets you record the actions your users perform.
Every action triggers what we call an “event”, which can
also have associated properties.